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Physics Chapter Wise

Units and Dimensions - Test 1


Units and Dimensions - Test 2


Units and Dimensions - Test 3


Units and Dimensions

Units and Dimensions

Motion In One Dimension - Test 1

Rest and Motion

Motion In One Dimension - Test 2

Uniform Motion

Motion In One Dimension - Test 3

Graphs of motion in one dimension, Non-uniform Motion

Motion In One Dimension - Test 4

Relative Motion

Motion In One Dimension

Motion In One Dimension

Motion In Two Dimensions - Test 1

Relative Motion

Motion In Two Dimensions - Test 2

Projectile Motion

Motion In Two Dimensions - Test 3

Projectile Motion

Motion In Two Dimensions - Test 4

Uniform Circular Motion

Motion In Two Dimensions

Motion In Two Dimensions

Laws of Motion - Test 1

Newton's laws of motion

Laws of Motion - Test 2

Newton's laws of motion

Laws of Motion - Test 3

Equilibrium of Forces (Pseudo force & Constraint relations), Spring force

Laws of Motion - Test 4

Frictional force

Laws of Motion

Laws of Motion

Work Power Energy - Test 1

Work done

Work Power Energy - Test 2


Work Power Energy - Test 3


Work Power Energy - Test 4

Power, Circular motion

Work Power Energy

Work Power Energy

Center of Mass Momentum and Collision - Test 1

Centre of mass of discrete particles, Centre of mass of continuous mass distribution

Center of Mass Momentum and Collision - Test 2

Motion of centre of mass, Momentum

Center of Mass Momentum and Collision - Test 3


Center of Mass Momentum and Collision

Center of Mass Momentum and Collision

Rotational Motion - Test 1

Moment of inertia of rigid bodies

Rotational Motion - Test 2

Torque, Rotational kinematics

Rotational Motion - Test 3

Rotational kinematics, Rolling without Slipping

Rotational Motion - Test 4

Combination of translation and rotation, Angular momentum and Angular impulse, Rolling without Slipping

Rotational Motion

Rotational Motion

Gravitation - Test 1

Newton’s Law of Gravitation

Gravitation - Test 2

Gravitational field

Gravitation - Test 3

Acceleration Due to Gravity, Gravitational potential and Potential Energy

Gravitation - Test 4

Motion of satellite, Kepler laws



Mechanical Properties of Solids - Test 1

Elasticity, Young’s Modulus and Breaking Stress

Mechanical Properties of Solids - Test 2

Young’s Modulus and Breaking Stress

Mechanical Properties of Solids - Test 3

Shearing stress, Bulk Modulus, Work Done in Stretching a Wire

Mechanical Properties of Solids

Mechanical Properties of Solids

Mechanical Properties of Fluids - Test 1

Pressure and thrust, Pascal's Law

Mechanical Properties of Fluids - Test 2

Archmidies Principle

Mechanical Properties of Fluids - Test 3


Mechanical Properties of Fluids - Test 4

Efflux of liquid

Mechanical Properties of Fluids - Test 5

Viscosity, Surface tension

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Mechanical Properties of Fluids

Thermal Properties of Matter - Test 1


Thermal Properties of Matter - Test 2


Thermal Properties of Matter - Test 3

Thermal Expansion

Thermal Properties of Matter - Test 4

Radiation, Thermometry

Thermal Properties of Matter

Thermal Properties of Matter

Thermodynamics - Test 1

Thermodynamic system, First Law of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics - Test 2

Thermodynamic Processes

Thermodynamics - Test 3

Thermodynamic Processes

Thermodynamics - Test 4

Heat Engine, Refrigerator and Second Law of Thermodynamics



Kinetic Theory of Gases - Test 1

Gas Laws

Kinetic Theory of Gases - Test 2

Speed of Gas

Kinetic Theory of Gases - Test 3

Degree of Freedom and Specific Heat

Kinetic Theory of Gases - Test 4

Pressure and Energy of gas

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Kinetic Theory of Gases

Oscillations - Test 1

Simple Harmonic Motion

Oscillations - Test 2

Simple Harmonic Motion

Oscillations - Test 3

Energy of Simple Harmonic Motion

Oscillations - Test 4

Applications of SHM, Superposition of S.H.M’s and Resonance, Angular oscillations



Waves and Sound - Test 1

Basics of Mechanical Waves

Waves and Sound - Test 2

Travelling Waves, Interference and Superposition of Waves

Waves and Sound - Test 3

Vibration of String, Stationary waves

Waves and Sound - Test 4

Properties of Sound Waves, Speed of Sound Waves, Organ Pipe (Vibration of Air Column)

Waves and Sound

Waves and Sound

Electrostatics - Test 1

Electric Charge and Coulomb's law

Electrostatics - Test 2

Electric Field and Electric Field Lines

Electrostatics - Test 3

Electric Potential and Potential Energy

Electrostatics - Test 4

Electric Potential and Potential Energy

Electrostatics - Test 5

Electric Flux and Gauss Law, Electric Dipole



Capacitance - Test 1

Capacitance, Grouping of capacitors

Capacitance - Test 2

Grouping of capacitors, Capacitors with Dielectric

Capacitance - Test 3

Force and Energy stored in capacitor, Charging and Discarging of capacitors



Current Electricity - Test 1

Electric Current and Drift of Electrons

Current Electricity - Test 2

Resistance and Resistivity

Current Electricity - Test 3

Combination of Resistances, Wheatstone Bridge

Current Electricity - Test 4

Electric Cell or Battery, Kirchoffs Laws

Current Electricity - Test 5

Electric Power and Heating Effect of Current

Current Electricity - Test 6

Electric Instruments

Current Electricity

Current Electricity

Magnetic Properties of Matter - Test 1

Magnetism and Properties of Magnet

Magnetic Properties of Matter - Test 2

Magnetism and Properties of Magnet

Magnetic Properties of Matter - Test 3

Earths magnetic field

Magnetic Properties of Matter - Test 4

Magnetic Materials and their Properties, Magnetic Equipments

Magnetic Properties of Matter

Magnetic Properties of Matter

Magnetic Effects of Current - Test 1

Biot-Savart’s Law and Ampere’s Circuital Law, Magnetic Field

Magnetic Effects of Current - Test 2

Magnetic Field

Magnetic Effects of Current - Test 3

Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field

Magnetic Effects of Current - Test 4

Motion of Charged Particle in Magnetic Field

Magnetic Effects of Current - Test 5

Force and Torque on Current Carrying Conductor & Magnetic Moment

Magnetic Effects of Current

Magnetic Effects of Current

Electromagnetic Induction - Test 1

Induced Electric Field, Magnetic Flux, Faraday's and Lenz law

Electromagnetic Induction - Test 2

Magnetic Flux, Faraday's and Lenz law

Electromagnetic Induction - Test 3

Motional and Rotational EMF

Electromagnetic Induction - Test 4

Motional and Rotational EMF

Electromagnetic Induction - Test 5

Inductance, Self and Mutual Inductance

Electromagnetic Induction

Electromagnetic Induction

Alternating Current - Test 1

Alternating Current, Voltage and Power

Alternating Current - Test 2

Alternating Current, Voltage and Power

Alternating Current - Test 3

AC Circuits

Alternating Current - Test 4

AC Circuits

Alternating Current - Test 5

Parallel AC Circuits, Quality and Power Factor, Transformers

Alternating Current

Alternating Current

Electromagnetic Waves - Test 1

Electromagnetic Waves and Maxwell's equations

Electromagnetic Waves - Test 2

Electromagnetic Waves and Maxwell's equations

Electromagnetic Waves - Test 3

Electromagnetic Spectrum, X-Rays

Electromagnetic Waves

Electromagnetic Waves

Ray Optics - Test 1

Reflection of Light from Plane Mirror

Ray Optics - Test 2

Mirror Formula, Reflection in Spherical Mirror

Ray Optics - Test 3

Critical angle and total internal reflection, Refraction of light from plane surface

Ray Optics - Test 4

Refraction of light from plane surface

Ray Optics - Test 5

Lens Formula, Refraction of light from curved surface, Combination of Lens and Mirrors

Ray Optics - Test 6

Prism and Dispersion of Light, Optical Instruments

Ray Optics

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Wave Optics - Test 1

Wave Theory and Wavefronts, Interference of Light

Wave Optics - Test 2

Interference of Light

Wave Optics - Test 3

Youngs Double Slit Experiment

Wave Optics - Test 4

Youngs Double Slit Experiment, Special Cases in YDSE

Wave Optics - Test 5

Diffraction of Light

Wave Optics - Test 6

Polarization of Light

Wave Optics

Wave Optics

Dual Nature of Matter - Test 1

Cathode Rays and Positive Rays, Matter Waves

Dual Nature of Matter - Test 2

Photoelectric Effect

Dual Nature of Matter - Test 3

Photoelectric Effect

Dual Nature of Matter

Dual Nature of Matter

Atomic Physics - Test 1

Atomic Models, Atomic Structure, Bohr's Atomic Model

Atomic Physics - Test 2

Bohr's Atomic Model

Atomic Physics - Test 3

Atomic Spectrum

Atomic Physics

Atomic Physics

Nuclear Physics - Test 1

Nuclear structure, Nuclear energy

Nuclear Physics - Test 2

Nuclear energy

Nuclear Physics - Test 3


Nuclear Physics - Test 4

Radioactivity, Nuclear reactions

Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Physics

Semiconductors - Test 1

Energy Bands in Solids, Semiconductors

Semiconductors - Test 2


Semiconductors - Test 3


Semiconductors - Test 4

Rectifier, Logic gates

Semiconductors - Test 5

Junction Transistors



Communication System - Test 1

Communication System

Communication System - Test 2

Propagation of EM Waves

Communication System - Test 3


Communication System - Test 4


Communication System

Communication System

Mathematics in Physics - Test 1

Questions from topic: Fundamentals of Vectors, Addition and Subtraction of Vectors

Mathematics in Physics - Test 2

Multiplication of Vectors

Mathematics in Physics - Test 3

Errors of Measurement

Mathematics in Physics

Mathematics in Physics

Chemistry Chapter Wise

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry - Test 1

Laws of chemical combination, Quantitative measures in chemical equations

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry - Test 2

Mole concept

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry - Test 3

Concentration terms

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Structure of Atom - Test 1

Bohr's model

Structure of Atom - Test 2

Dual Behaviour of Matter and Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Structure of Atom - Test 3

Hydrogen spectrum

Structure of Atom - Test 4

Atomic Models, Atomic Mass and Atomic Size, Quantum mechanical model, Electronic configuration

Structure of Atom

Structure of Atom

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties - Test 1

Periodic properties

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties - Test 2

Periodic properties

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties - Test 3

Periodic properties

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties - Test 4

Periodic properties , Modern periodic table

Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Test 1

Covalent and Co-ordinate Bonding, Characteristics of covalent compound

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Test 2

Hybridisation and VSEPR Theory

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Test 3

Molecular Orbital Theory

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure - Test 4

Ionic bond, Back Bonding , Polarization, Dipole moment

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

States of Matter - Test 1

Gas laws and Ideal Gas Equation

States of Matter - Test 2

Mixture of gases

States of Matter - Test 3

Kinetic theory of gases

States of Matter - Test 4

Real Gases and Van der Waal's Equation, Critical phenomena and liquefaction

States of Matter

States of Matter

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 1

System and surrounding, First Law and Basic Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 2

First Law and Basic Fundamentals of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 3

Laws of Thermochemistry and Enthalpy Change

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 4

Laws of Thermochemistry and Enthalpy Change

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 5

Carnot engine

Thermodynamics (C) - Test 6

Entropy and Second law of thermodynamics, Third law of thermodynamics

Thermodynamics (C)

Thermodynamics (C)

Chemical Equilibrium - Test 1

Law of Mass Action, Equilibrium Constant (Kc and Kp) and its Application

Chemical Equilibrium - Test 2

Law of Mass Action, Equilibrium Constant (Kc and Kp) and its Application

Chemical Equilibrium - Test 3

Law of Mass Action, Equilibrium Constant (Kc and Kp) and its Application, Le chatelier's principle

Chemical Equilibrium

Chemical Equilibrium

Ionic Equilibrium - Test 1

Theories of Acids and Bases, Ionic Product of Water

Ionic Equilibrium - Test 2

PH of solutions

Ionic Equilibrium - Test 3

Salt Hydrolysis, Buffer solutions

Ionic Equilibrium - Test 4


Ionic Equilibrium

Ionic Equilibrium

Redox Reactions - Test 1

Oxidation and Reduction Reactions

Redox Reactions - Test 2

Types of redox reactions, Oxidation number

Redox Reactions - Test 3

Equivalence concept, Balancing of redox reactions, Redox titration

Redox Reactions

Redox Reactions

Hydrogen - Test 1

Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen, Chemical properties of hydrogen

Hydrogen - Test 2

Preparation and Properties of Water, Chemical properties of heavy water, Hydrides

Hydrogen - Test 3

Preparation and Properties of Hydrogen Peroxide, Chemical properties of hydrogen peroxide



s Block Elements - Test 1

General Characteristics of Alkali Metals , Compounds of Alkali Metals

s Block Elements - Test 2

Alkaline Earth Metals, Compounds of Alkaline Earth Metals

s Block Elements

s Block Elements

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14) - Test 1

Boron and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14) - Test 2

Aluminium and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14) - Test 3

Carbon and Its Compounds, Tin and Lead Containing Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14) - Test 4

Silicon and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14)

p Block Elements (Group 13 & 14)

General Organic Chemistry - Test 1

Classification of organic compounds, IUPAC Nomenclature

General Organic Chemistry - Test 2

Bond Cleavage, Reaction Intermediates, Electron displacement effects

General Organic Chemistry - Test 3

Conjugation and Aromaticity

General Organic Chemistry - Test 4

Isomerism of Organic Compounds

General Organic Chemistry - Test 5

Qualitative analysis of organic compounds, Purification of Organic Compounds

General Organic Chemistry

General Organic Chemistry

Hydrocarbons - Test 1

Properties and Preparation of Alkanes, Reactions of alkanes

Hydrocarbons - Test 2

Properties and Preparation of Alkenes, Reactions of alkenes

Hydrocarbons - Test 3

Reactions of alkenes

Hydrocarbons - Test 4

Properties and Preparation of Alkynes, Reactions of alkynes

Hydrocarbons - Test 5

Preparation and Reactions of cycloalkanes and cycloalkenes, Reactions of Benzene, Reactions of aromatic compounds

Hydrocarbons - Test 6

Reactions of aromatic compounds



Environmental Chemistry - Test 1

Environmental Pollution and pollutants, Control of environmental pollution

Environmental Chemistry - Test 2

Air Pollution

Environmental Chemistry - Test 3

Water Pollution, Land Pollution

Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Solid State - Test 1

Crystal Structure of Solids, Properties and Types of Solids

Solid State - Test 2

Cubic system

Solid State - Test 3

Ionic structure

Solid State - Test 4

Stoichiometric defects, Non-stoichiometric defects, Electrical and Magnetic properties

Solid State

Solid State

Solutions - Test 1

Solubility and Concentration of Solutions, Vapour pressure and raoult's law

Solutions - Test 2

Vapour pressure and raoult's law, Henry's law

Solutions - Test 3

Colligative Properties and Abnormal Molecular Masses

Solutions - Test 4

Colligative Properties and Abnormal Molecular Masses



Electrochemistry - Test 1

Cells and Electrode Potential, Nernst Equation

Electrochemistry - Test 2

Cells and Electrode Potential, Nernst Equation

Electrochemistry - Test 3

Types of half cells, Concentration cell, Commercial Cells and Batteries

Electrochemistry - Test 4

Conductance and Conductivity, Corrosion



Chemical Kinetics - Test 1

Rate of reaction

Chemical Kinetics - Test 2

Rate law and rate constant

Chemical Kinetics - Test 3

Integrated rate laws

Chemical Kinetics - Test 4

Integrated rate laws, Methods to determine order of reaction

Chemical Kinetics - Test 5

Parallel and Sequencial rate laws, Arrhenius theory

Chemical Kinetics

Chemical Kinetics

Surface Chemistry - Test 1

Adsorption, Adsorption isotherms

Surface Chemistry - Test 2

Catalysis and Theories of Catalysis, Colloids, Preparation and Purification of colloids

Surface Chemistry - Test 3

Properties of colloidal solution, Emulsions and Gels

Surface Chemistry

Surface Chemistry

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals - Test 1

Minerals and ores

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals - Test 2

Concentration of the Ore , Reduction to Crude Metal

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals - Test 3

Refining of Crude Metal, Flux and Refractory materials

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals - Test 4

Extraction of Metals

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Metals

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 1

Nitrogen and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 2

Phosphorus and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 3

Oxygen and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 4

Sulphur and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 5

Halogens and Its Compounds

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18) - Test 6

Noble Gases

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18)

p Block Elements (Group 15, 16, 17 & 18)

d and f Block Elements - Test 1

Properties of D-block elements

d and f Block Elements - Test 2

Properties of D-block elements

d and f Block Elements - Test 3

Compounds of Transition Metals

d and f Block Elements - Test 4

F-Block elements

d and f Block Elements

d and f Block Elements

Coordination Compounds - Test 1

Terminology of coordination compounds, Nomenclature of coordination compounds

Coordination Compounds - Test 2

Isomerism of coordination compounds

Coordination Compounds - Test 3

Werner's theory and Valence Bond Theory

Coordination Compounds - Test 4

Crystal Field Theory, Stability of complex ion

Coordination Compounds

Coordination Compounds

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes - Test 1

Preparation and Properties of Monohalides

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes - Test 2

Preparation and Properties of Monohalides

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes - Test 3

Preparation and Properties of Geminal and Vicinal Dihalides, Preparation and Properties of Aryl Halides

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers - Test 1

Preparation and Properties of Alcohols

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers - Test 2

Reactions of Alcohols

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers - Test 3

Reactions of Alcohols

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers - Test 4

Preparation of Phenols, Reactions of Phenol

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers - Test 5

Preparation of Ethers, Reactions of Ethers

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers

Alcohols Phenols and Ethers

Aldehydes and Ketones - Test 1

Method of preparation for both aldehydes and ketones, Method of preparation for Aldehydes, Method of preparation for Ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones - Test 2

Chemical reactions for aldehydes and ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones - Test 3

Chemical reactions for aldehydes and ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones - Test 4

Tests for aldehyde and ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones

Aldehydes and Ketones

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives - Test 1

Preparation and Properties of Carboxylic Acids

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives - Test 2

Reactions Involving Acid Group, Reaction Involving Cleavage of –OH Group

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives - Test 3

Preparation and Properties of Acid Derivatives, Preparation and Properties of Esters, Abnormal Behaviour of Formic Acid

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

Carboxylic Acid Derivatives

Amines - Test 1

Preparation and Properties of Amines

Amines - Test 2

Preparation and Properties of Amines

Amines - Test 3

Preparation and Properties of Amines

Amines - Test 4

Preparation and Properties of Amines, Separation of mixture of amines

Amines - Test 5

Preparation and Properties of Amides, Preparation and Properties of Cyanides, Preparation and Properties of Isocyanides, Nitrenes



Biomolecules - Test 1


Biomolecules - Test 2

Preparation and Reactions of Glucose, Disaccharides and Polysaccharides

Biomolecules - Test 3

Proteins, Properties and Preparation of Amino Acids

Biomolecules - Test 4

Nucleic Acids, Vitamins



Polymers - Test 1

Classification of Polymers

Polymers - Test 2

Preparation and Properties of Polymers



Chemistry in Everyday Life - Test 1

Drugs and It's Classification

Chemistry in Everyday Life - Test 2

Drugs and It's Classification

Chemistry in Everyday Life - Test 3

Cleansing Agents, Artificial Sweetning Agents and Food Preservatives, Enzymes and Receptors

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Chemistry in Everyday Life

Practical Chemistry - Test 1

Radicals, Preliminary Tests

Practical Chemistry - Test 2

Identification of Basic Radicals, Identification of Acid Radicals

Practical Chemistry

Practical Chemistry

Mathematics Chapter Wise

Basic of Mathematics - Test 1


Basic of Mathematics - Test 2


Basic of Mathematics - Test 3


Basic of Mathematics

Basic of Mathematics

Quadratic Equation - Test 1

Relation between Roots and Coefficients

Quadratic Equation - Test 2

Relation between Roots and Coefficients, Range of Quadratic Function

Quadratic Equation - Test 3

Location of Roots, Graph and Sign of Quadratic

Quadratic Equation - Test 4

Common Roots, N degree equation

Quadratic Equation

Quadratic Equation

Complex Number - Test 1

Power of iota, Conjugate, modulus and argument

Complex Number - Test 2

Algebra of complex numbers

Complex Number - Test 3

Polar and Euler Form, De Moivres Theorem, Cube Root of Unity

Complex Number - Test 4

Locus Based on Distance Formula, Geometry of Complex Number

Complex Number

Complex Number

Permutation Combination - Test 1

Factorial, Combination

Permutation Combination - Test 2


Permutation Combination - Test 3

Arrangement under Constraint, Circular Permutation, Selection of one or more items

Permutation Combination - Test 4

Division of Identical items, Division and Distribution of Distinct Items

Permutation Combination - Test 5

Summation of Numbers, Dearrangement, Exponent of prime

Permutation Combination - Test 6

Geometric Permutation

Permutation Combination

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Sequences and Series - Test 1

Arithmetic Progression

Sequences and Series - Test 2

Geometric Progression

Sequences and Series - Test 3

Mixed Question on AP and GP, Means, Harmonic Progression

Sequences and Series - Test 4

Summation of Series

Sequences and Series - Test 5

Summation of Series, Inequalities

Sequences and Series

Sequences and Series

Binomial Theorem - Test 1

Terms of Binomial Expansion

Binomial Theorem - Test 2

Comparison between two numbers, Remainder and Divisibility Problems, Integral and Fractional Part of a Number

Binomial Theorem - Test 3

Properties of Binomial Coefficients, Multinomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem - Test 4

Sum of Series, Series involving Product of Coefficients

Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem

Trigonometric Ratios & Identities - Test 1

Measurement of Angles, Basic Identities & T Ratios

Trigonometric Ratios & Identities - Test 2

Sum and Difference & Multiple angle Formula, T-Ratios of Multiple & sub multiple angles

Trigonometric Ratios & Identities - Test 3

Transformation Formulas, Sum of three of more angles

Trigonometric Ratios & Identities - Test 4

Maximum and Minimum Values, Trigonometric Series

Trigonometric Ratios & Identities

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Trigonometric Equations - Test 1


Trigonometric Equations - Test 2

Solving Trigonometric Equation

Trigonometric Equations - Test 3

Solving Trigonometric Inequalities

Trigonometric Equations

Trigonometric Equations

Straight Lines - Test 1

Coordinate System

Straight Lines - Test 2

Basic Forms of Straight Line

Straight Lines - Test 3

Angle between Lines, Position of a point, Point and Line

Straight Lines - Test 4

Angle bisector, Derived Forms of Line, Concurrency & Family of Lines

Straight Lines - Test 5


Straight Lines

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Circle - Test 1

General Equation of 2nd degree curve, Equation of Circle & its intercept, Position of point

Circle - Test 2

Line and Circle, Tangent to circle. Pair of Tangents, Intersection of Circles

Circle - Test 3


Circle - Test 4

Common Chord, Chord of Contact, Chord with given Middle Point, Family of Circle, Radical axis and centre



Parabola - Test 1

General Equation of 2nd degree curve, standard equation of parabola

Parabola - Test 2

Chord of parabola, Tangent to Parabola, Properties of Tangent

Parabola - Test 3

Common Tangent, Pair of Tangents, Normal to Parabola

Parabola - Test 4




Ellipse - Test 1

General Equation of 2nd degree curve, Equation of Ellipse, Auxillary Circle

Ellipse - Test 2

Position of point, Line and ellipse, Tangent to ellipse, Pair of Tangents, Director Circle

Ellipse - Test 3

Normal to ellipse, Chord of ellipse, Chord of Contact, Chord with given Middle Point



Hyperbola - Test 1

General Equation of 2nd degree curve, Equation of Hyperbola, Auxillary Circle, Position of point

Hyperbola - Test 2

Line and hyperbola, Tangent to hyperbola, Pair of Tangents, Director Circle

Hyperbola - Test 3

Normal to hyperbola, Chord of hyperbola, Chord of Contact, Asymptotes



Limits - Test 1

Existance of Limit, Algebraic and Rational Limits

Limits - Test 2

Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric limits, Exponential and logarithmic limits

Limits - Test 3

Special Forms, Miscellaneous


Questions from all topics of the chapter

Functions - Test 1


Functions - Test 2


Functions - Test 3

Periodicity, Odd and Even Functions, Identical Functions

Functions - Test 4

Composite Function, Inverse of a Function, Functional Equation

Functions - Test 5

Types of Function (Mapping)



Continuity and Differentiability - Test 1


Continuity and Differentiability - Test 2


Continuity and Differentiability - Test 3


Continuity and Differentiability - Test 4


Continuity and Differentiability

Continuity and Differentiability

Differentiation - Test 1

Differentiation of composite functions, Logarithmic differentiation, Differentiation of Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Differentiation - Test 2

Parametric differentiation, Differentiation of implicit functions, Derivative of f(x) wrt g(x)

Differentiation - Test 3

Higher order derivatives, Functional Equation, Differentiation of determinants



Application of Derivatives - Test 1

Rate Measure Error and Approximation

Application of Derivatives - Test 2

Tangent Normal

Application of Derivatives - Test 3


Application of Derivatives - Test 4

Maxima Minima

Application of Derivatives - Test 5

Mean Value Theorem

Application of Derivatives

Questions from all topics of the chapter

Indefinite Integration - Test 1

Fundamental of Indefinite Integration, Integration by Substitution

Indefinite Integration - Test 2

Integration by Substitution

Indefinite Integration - Test 3

Integration by Parts, Integration using Partial Fraction

Indefinite Integration - Test 4

Miscellaneous Forms

Indefinite Integration

Indefinite Integration

Definite Integration - Test 1

Definite Integration by Substitution, Definite Integration by Parts

Definite Integration - Test 2

Properties of Definite Integration

Definite Integration - Test 3

Properties of Periodic Functions, Definite Integration by Reduction Formula, Leibnitz Rule of Differentiation

Definite Integration - Test 4

Properties Involving Inequalities, Definite as Limit of Sum, Walli's Formula, Miscellaneous

Definite Integration

Definite Integration

Area Under Curves - Test 1

Area of Curve along axis

Area Under Curves - Test 2

Area bounded by two curves

Area Under Curves - Test 3

Area bounded by Miscellaneous Curves

Area Under Curves

Area Under Curves

Differential Equations - Test 1

Order and Degree

Differential Equations - Test 2

Formation of Differential Equation

Differential Equations - Test 3

Variable Separable Form, Homogeneous DE

Differential Equations - Test 4

Linear Differential Equation

Differential Equations - Test 5

Exact Forms, Orthogonal Trajectory, Applications of DE

Differential Equations

Differential Equations

Vector Algebra - Test 1

Algebra of Vectors

Vector Algebra - Test 2

Product of 2 vectors

Vector Algebra - Test 3

Product of 2 vectors

Vector Algebra - Test 4

Scalar Triple Product, Vector Triple Product

Vector Algebra

Vector Algebra

Three Dimensional Geometry - Test 1

Basics of point in 3 dimension

Three Dimensional Geometry - Test 2

Direction Cosines and Direction Ratios

Three Dimensional Geometry - Test 3

Line in Space

Three Dimensional Geometry - Test 4

Plane in Space

Three Dimensional Geometry - Test 5

Plane in Space, Line and Plane

Three Dimensional Geometry

Three Dimensional Geometry

Probability - Test 1

Classical Definition of Probability

Probability - Test 2

Addition and Subtraction Theorems

Probability - Test 3

Independent Events, Conditional Probability and Multiplication Theorem

Probability - Test 4

Total Probability, Baye's Theorem

Probability - Test 5

Bernoulli Trial and Binomial Distribution, Random Variable and its Probability Distribution



Matrices - Test 1

Formation and Basic of Matrix, Basic Algebra of Matrices

Matrices - Test 2

Product of Matrices

Matrices - Test 3

Symmetric & Skew Symmetric Matrices, Types of Matrices, Trace of a Matrix

Matrices - Test 4

Adjoint and its Properties, Inverse of a Matrix



Determinants - Test 1

Expansion of Determinants

Determinants - Test 2

Expansion of Determinants

Determinants - Test 3

Summation of Determinants, Multiplication of Determinants, Differentiation and Integration of Determinants

Determinants - Test 4

System of Linear Equations

Determinants - Test 5




Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Test 1

Principal Value and Basics

Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Test 2

Sum of complementary angles

Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Test 3

T inverse T property

Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Test 4

Converting one Inverse T function to other Inverse T, Sum and difference of angles, Negative and reciprocal Properties

Inverse Trigonometric Functions - Test 5

Infinite Series, Multiple Angles

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Sets and Relations - Test 1

Questions on number of relations and sets

Sets and Relations - Test 2

Questions on number of relations and sets

Sets and Relations - Test 3

Questions on Venn Diagram

Sets and Relations - Test 4

Questions on Symmetric Transitive and Reflexive Properties

Sets and Relations

Sets and Relations

Mathematical Reasoning - Test 1

Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning - Test 2

Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning - Test 3

Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning

Mathematical Reasoning

Heights and Distances - Test 1

Heights and Distances

Heights and Distances - Test 2

Heights and Distances

Heights and Distances - Test 3

Heights and Distances

Heights and Distances

Heights and Distances

Statistics - Test 1

Mean, Median, Mode, Relation Between Mean, Median and Mode

Statistics - Test 2

Measures of Dispersion

Statistics - Test 3

Measures of Dispersion, Mean Square Deviation, Relation Between Variance and Mean Deviation



Mock Tests

Mock Test - 1

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 2

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 3

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 4

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 5

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 6

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 7

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 8

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 9

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 10

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 11

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 12

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 13

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 14

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 15

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 16

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 17

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 18

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 19

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 20

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 21

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 22

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 23

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 24

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 25

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 26

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 27

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 28

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 29

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

Mock Test - 30

Based on Reduced Syllabus (as per NTA)

PYQ 2024

JEE Main 2024 (27 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (27 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (29 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (29 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (30 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (30 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (31 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (31 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (01 Feb Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2024 (01 Feb Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

2023 - 2022 PYQs (As per Reduced Syllabus)

JEE Main 2023 (24 Jan Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (24 Jan Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (25 Jan Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (25 Jan Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (29 Jan Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (29 Jan Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (30 Jan Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (30 Jan Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (31 Jan Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (31 Jan Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (01 Feb Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (01 Feb Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (06 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (06 Apr Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (08 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (08 Apr Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (10 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (10 Apr Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (11 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (11 Apr Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (12 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (13 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (13 Apr Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (15 Apr Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (24 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (24 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 June Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 June Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 July Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 July Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 July Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 July Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 July Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 July Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 July Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 July Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 July Shift 1) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 July Shift 2) As Per Reduced Syllabus

Updated as per new reduced syllabus

Previous Year Papers

JEE Main 2023 (06 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (06 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (08 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (08 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (10 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (10 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (11 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (11 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (12 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (13 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (13 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (15 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (24 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (24 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (25 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (25 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (29 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (29 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (30 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (30 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (31 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (31 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (01 Feb Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2023 (01 Feb Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 July Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 July Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 July Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 July Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 July Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 July Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 July Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 July Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 July Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 July Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (24 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (24 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (25 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (26 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (27 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (28 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 June Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2022 (29 June Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (01 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (31 Aug Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (31 Aug Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (27 Aug Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (27 Aug Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (26 Aug Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (26 Aug Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (27 Jul Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (27 Jul Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (25 Jul Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (25 Jul Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (22 Jul Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (20 Jul Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (20 Jul Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (18 Mar Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (18 Mar Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (17 Mar Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (17 Mar Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (16 Mar Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (16 Mar Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (26 Feb Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (26 Feb Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (25 Feb Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (25 Feb Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (24 Feb Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2021 (24 Feb Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (06 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (06 Sep Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (05 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (05 Sep Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (04 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (04 Sep Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (03 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (03 Sep Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (02 Sep Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (02 Sep Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (09 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (09 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (08 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (08 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (07 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2020 (07 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (08 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (08 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (09 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (09 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (10 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (10 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (12 Apr Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (12 Apr Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (09 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (09 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (10 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (10 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (11 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (11 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (12 Jan Shift 1)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

JEE Main 2019 (12 Jan Shift 2)

JEE Main Full Syllabus

Made by Dhruv